Speak Up Steenburg Lake

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Discussion Posts

Invitation to 2024 AGM
Saturday, July 20th, 2024 9:17 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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 Attention all SLCA MembersYou are cordially invited to the Steenburg Lake Community Association - Annual General Meeting on Sunday, August 4th at the Tudor and Cashel Community Centre at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road.A community social meet and greet starts at 9:30 am, and the meeting gets underway at 10 am. Treats and refreshments will be… More

Looking for something to do this weekend…?
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 2:31 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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Why not check out the grand reopening of the McGeachie Conservation Area on Saturday June 22.  The trails were closed down following extensive damage from the derecho wind storm of 2022.Celebrations will begin at 8:30 am and feature two mounted units of the Ontario Mounted Special Service Unit.  There will also be a foraging tour… More

Spring Bass Season
Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 11:36 pm
Posted in: Public by Suzanne & Greg ParkerSuzanne & Greg Parker
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Just a reminder that Bass season begins 4th Sat. ; so June 22/24 😉Great resource:https://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/baby-fry-bass.html#:~:text=After%20hatch%2C%20bass%20sac%20fry,are%20about%20two%20inches%20long More

Works crews busy around the lake…
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 9:42 am
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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It's a sure sign of spring when you see signs of road crews out and about.  Driving in yesterday, I noticed that Limerick Township had recently done a great job of sweeping off all the winter sand along the North Road.To those who may think that this is a practice better reserved for built-up cities,… More

Community Preparedness Day
Saturday, April 20th, 2024 8:28 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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Great news for all...  Limerick Township is holding another Community Preparedness Day event at the Limerick Community Centre on May 4th, from 11 am to 1 pm.  This event was a great success last year and is open to both Limerick and Tudor & Cashel residents.  Lots of interesting displays, valuable information and fun activities for… More

Just quick reminder to residents and property owners in Tudor & Cashel
Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 11:31 am
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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Hi folks,Just a friendly reminder to please complete your citizen survey with the Township of Tudor and Cashel before the 4 pm deadline on March 8th.  You can fill it in online or in person at the Township office at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road.Completing the survey is quick and easy and will provide our elected… More

Great News for Residents and Property Owners of Tudor and Cashel
Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 2:48 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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Although it's been an unusually mild winter, the days continue to march on.  I hope that many of you have had a chance to venture up to the lake this winter, and in particular, this past Family Day long weekend.  The weather was splendid!I'm happy to report that the Township of Tudor and Cashel are… More

The Old Gold Town Nearby…
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 9:44 am
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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Came across this interesting and rather detailed article about a short-live hold rush that took place in Eldorado, just north of Madoc.  I knew they had found gold there back in the 1800s even before confederation.   There is a historical plaque to mark to area, but few buildings remain of a once briefly-booming mining town,… More

Season’s Greetings
Sunday, December 24th, 2023 1:40 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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As 2023 draws to an end and with the new year firmly in our sights, may we reflect on all the good times we enjoyed at the lake this past year, and look forward to all the wonderful memories yet to be created next year. We are very blessed to have such a beautiful place to… More

Fall 2023 Newsletter is out…
Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 8:44 pm
Posted in: SLCA News by SLCA PresidentPat Stallaert
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By now, you should have received your copy of the fall 2023 Shoreline News, or if you opted to receive it digitally, a link to the newsletter at: https://steenburglake.info/newsletter Please note that a correction has been made on page 10.  The original Carpenter cottage, number 14 on the featured map, was incorrectly reported as belonging… More