Merchandise Update

SLCA Merchandise Update:

Happy Spring Lake Friends!  You will soon see in the Spring Newsletter that I have decided to step down from my position as Merchandise rep on the SLCA Executive. I have spent the past 3 years working to ensure our lake community has a variety of Merchandise items available to them and I have met many new people along the way. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the time available to commit to another year.

For anyone still hoping to get their summer gear I HAVE opened the E-store one more time. Orders will need to be received by May 15th for delivery beginning of July.  If you select ‘pick up from lake’ I will be brining the items to the lake and will message you when they can be picked up.  You can access the E-store using this link  directly from SLCA Website.

If you do have issues logging in please reach out to or

If you are interested in taking on the Merchandise Role please reach out to Pat Stallaert or myself, I am available to connect, provide details and support in a smooth transition of duties.

All current inventory of shirts and cups will still be available for purchase – please contact Fred Cotie at *If anyone on the South Road is interested in holding and selling inventory please reach out to Fred or Pat

Finally, I would like to thank the many people who have reached out over the years to provide their gratitude and excitement about our merchandise – and ESPESSIALLY they young artists who designed the logos we use today – Thank you

See you on the Lake

Mel Donin

Missing Cat Lost Aug 29th

Hi there,
My cat got really spooked this morning at 35 east bay limerick Gilmore and has gone missing 🙁
If you can post this anywhere it would be really appreciated. We are from Toronto and here until next Saturday. My name is Megan phone number is 647 239 8781. Please text me or call me if you see anything. I’m very worried, he’s an indoor Toronto cat and very timid.
Let me know if you have any tips to get to come back.

2021 Membership

A new summer season is just around the corner and I know we all look forward to enjoying our lake and community.

We encourage our owners to be part of our Steenburg Lake Community Association.  We are unsure if our canvassers will be able to go door-to-door this year to talk with our owners and collect the annual membership fee of $30 (subject to the changing restrictions), so we appreciate the payments being made electronically.  We offer PayPal, e-transfer or cheque.

Electronic payments can be made from our website,  Select ‘member zone’, then ‘services’ and then ‘membership payment’.    Alternatively, cheques payable to SLCA and I can pick them up or you can contact me directly for a mailing address.

Membership has its benefits!

The SLCA has been around for over 60 years and your continued membership allows us to:

  • provide you with an informative bi-annual newsletter covering current happenings in and around the community,
  • provide water quality and invasive species testing to make sure our ‘pristine’ water is kept healthy,
  • provide hazard markers in the lake,
  •  be part of the Federation of Cottage Associations (FOCA),
  • provide webcams so that you can stay connected to the lake,
  • put in place proper liability insurance, required by all non-profit volunteer organizations,
  • have funds on hand when necessary, to provide advocacy services and assistance in support of our community with local townships and all levels of government,
  • manage our lake website at to keep everyone up-to-date, and
  • although we were unable to host many of our normal events last year (but hope to have some this year), these funds allow us to continue to provide member activities.

As always, we thank you for your continued support, keep smiling and we hope to see you out and about on the lake.

PS – If you are one of our new neighbours on the lake, let me know at and I will be in contact with you to welcome you to our lake and update our owner database.  We know that you will love our piece of paradise.

Long-time cottage Ian Fraser

Ian Fraser, a long time cottager who married into the Lloyd clan through wife Pat Lloyd, many years ago, and became a fixture on Steenburg Lake, died Sunday May 2nd, age 90.

Ian was a staunch supporter of SLCA, sat on the Executive for years and always put the interests of the lake first. He was my next door neighbour and could always be counted on to lend a hand as needed. Even when members of my extended family weren’t necessarily being that neighbourly, like group swims at 3 in the morning, he was good enough to roll with it.

Ian’s four daughters, Pamela, Alison, Margot and Jill, were raised on the lake, their children were/are being raised on the lake and the next generation has already started to continue that tradition.

In his work life Ian was a senior executive with Canada Life.

He will be greatly missed as an SLCA member, neighbour and friend.

Here is his obituary from the Globe and Mail:

On May 2, 2021 at the age of 90, D. Ian Fraser passed away in Toronto. Born in Perth, Ontario on February 20, 1931, only child of Donald and Doris Fraser. Survived by his wife of 65 years, Patricia and daughters, Pamela Valentine, Alison Abou-Heif Ovenell, Margot Withey, and Jill Fraser. After obtaining a Commerce degree from Queen’s University, he joined The Canada Life Assurance Company and spent his entire business career with that company, retiring in 1995 as an Executive Vice President and Secretary of the company. He then served for ten years as Secretary-Treasurer of the National Sanitarium Association, continuing on the Board of Trustees for a further five years. While enjoying success in his business career, the focus of his life was always his family. Ski weekends in the winter and cottage life at Steenburg Lake in the summer were the foundation of his family life. Always an enthusiastic sportsman, he participated in football, hockey, squash, tennis, hiking, skiing, and canoe trips. Ian and Pat traveled to many countries and loved to share their favourite travel spot, Bermuda, with their family. Throughout his life, Ian was involved in various areas of community service, including Eglinton St. George’s United Church and Senior Peoples’ Resources in North Toronto. He helped deliver Meals on Wheels well into his 90th year. The time he spent at the University Club included lunches, squash games and fitness classes, which eventually turned into a book club and lunches at the round table with his close circle of friends. Ian was a devoted family man who demonstrated warmth, humility, generosity and kindness in his daily life. He was always interested and involved in the lives of his four daughters and nine grandchildren. He kept up with them by attending their sports events and social functions, and staying current with the latest social media. Beloved husband of Pat, cherished father of Pamela, Alison, Margot, and Jill. Dear father-in-law of Scott Valentine, Phil Ovenell, Rich Withey, Richard O’Brien and the late Frank Abou-Heif. Loving grandfather of Andrew (Sara Valentine) and Peter Valentine; Justine (Yassine Khechim) and Charlotte Abou-Heif; Erica, Richard, and Thomas Withey; and Madeleine and Alexander O’Brien. Dear great-grandfather of Lucy and Samantha Valentine and Mateo and Paloma Valentine. We are grateful to have had him in our lives for so long. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to The Fraser Family Scholarship at Queen’s University, The Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, Child Haven International or the charity of your choice would be appreciated. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date.



Quick and Comprehensive Guide to Gypsy Moths

Hi All,

A lot of information has been circulating about gyspy moths so I wanted to put together a quick info guide for our members. One of the remedy methods has a March 1 deadline, so I hope this information helps you make an informed decision.

Quick Information:

  • Gypsy moths typically have an outbreak every 7-10 years.
  • Their infestation can lead to growth loss and high mortality rates of trees.
  • Targeting the eggs or caterpillars is the most effective form of action. 
  • Remedies includes: homeowners killing egg masses, trapping female moths, spraying of bacteria either through a licensed arborist or by homeowners (some sprays are limited to use only by licensed arborists)

What are gypsy moths?

They are an invasive defoliator species (meaning they eat leaves) from Europe that feed on a variety of trees. The Ontario distribution has shown preference to oak trees, but they also have been targeting birch and aspen trees in northern Ontario, and hardwoods such as sugar maple, American beech, and softwoods such as eastern white pine, and Colorado blue spruce in Southern Ontario. This species typically has an ‘outbreak’ every 7-10 years.


What is their life cycle like?

Gypsy moths follow a typical moth life cycle. In spring, eggs hatch and larvae ascend the trees to feed on the new foliage. Feeding is commonly done during the day early in this stage, but as the larvae mature the feeding shifts to overnight. Feeding is done by the end of July, (by now the pupa have turned into moths) and eggs are laid in the bark of trees to overwinter. 


What damage do they do?

While feeding, larvae chew holes in tree leaves or eat them entirely. Despite the tree’s ability to produce new leaves, in large outbreaks foliage can be completely eaten leaving a tree defoliated. Damage can be survived once or twice by healthy trees, but older trees may be more susceptible to defoliation, which causes stress. Further, one has to consider implications of drought, attack of other organisms, lack of energy reserves for winter dormancy, and then lack of energy for spring growth – all inhibited by defoliation. This damage can cause severe growth loss and high mortality of trees.

Caterpillars can also be a nuisance from their crawling and thus the droppings they leave on patios, outdoor furniture, cars, driveways and so on. Exposure to gypsy moth hairs, silken threads, and shed skins can cause skin rashes and upper respiratory tract irritation in some people. 

Once eggs are laid, they can be seen covering the trunk and branches of trees, affecting natural processes. At this stage, they can be easily spread to areas where the moth is not yet established.


What are some challenges to preventing/dealing with infestation?

  • Feeding in the mature larvae stage occurs overnight so it is difficult to spot infestation.
  • Difficulty to reach the height of affected trunks/branches of trees to apply control measures.
  • Young caterpillars may be blown in from adjacent infested properties in the spring.


What are some remedies?

Preventative action is preferable to reactive action. There are a few things we can do before we get into spraying insecticides or bacteria. Below are some actions that we can take immediately:

  • November through to Late April: 
    • Homeowners can scrape the egg masses off of the trees (can be seen from mid-summer through to the next spring) and throw them in soapy water (insecticidal soap, mineral oil, or a soybean oil product) for a minimum of 48hours, burn them or destroy them. Simply scrapping them onto the ground will not destroy them. The destruction of each egg mass prevents the hatching of up to 1000 caterpillars.


  • Late April to Late May:
    • “Tanglefoot Pest Barrier” can be placed around tree trunks to help curtail the caterpillars movement into and out of the tree canopy.
    • Placing sticky barriers (ex. inverted duct tape) on the tree trunks to prevent young caterpillars from crawling up the tree. 
    • Plant herbs, flowers and shrubs to attract birds that eat caterpillars and moths.
  • Late May until Late August: 
    • One can wrap a piece of burlap around an infected tree, leaving a lip hanging over to trap female moths when they crawl into the burlap. Once trapped, squish or submerge in soapy water to reduce caterpillar numbers. It is important to note that applications against the adult stage are much less effective than targeting the eggs or caterpillars.
  • Beginning of May- Mid June: Consider bacteria treatments such as Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki-based products. 
    • Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) is is a naturally occurring bacteria found in the soil, not a chemical, and it works by producing proteins that are toxic to larvae. It must be ingested by feeding caterpillars for the endotoxin to work; it is not effective against the pupa and adult of the gypsy moth. Generally, two applications are made, one during late April or early to mid- May, followed by second treatment about 1 to 2 weeks later. This bacteria is:
      • currently the most widely used insecticide in forestry in Canada*
      • safe for the environment and its various components*
      • since its introduction in the 1960s, no human health problems have been proven to be attributable to its application*
      • is considered by most people to be the safest bioinsecticide available at present*
      • does not affect adult moths and butterflies, including the monarch butterfly, nor does affect other insects, honey-bees, fish, birds, or mammals

*The above information is taken from a study done on the safety of the subject bacteria by the Pacific Forestry Centre for the Government of Canada, 2007.

  • Natural predators:
    • Proliferation of the fungus Entomophaga maimaiga (a Japanese fungus that targets only gypsy moths);
    • a virus (Nucelopolyhedrosis) and;
    • a small wasp (Encyrtidae family)


  • March 1, 2021 deadline: ZimmerAir Services is offering Btk services via aerial application. Due to the overwhelming response of applicants for this year, they have moved their deadline to March 1. As Pat mentioned, please contact Daniel Haught (, call 905-512-0538 for information, or visit their website at

Please note, as of now, from my own research I do not see any other companies or arborists in the area that offer similar services. There may be arborists that can be hired to apply Btk treatment to trees on your property that are inaccessible. Btk is also available for purchase at retailers, some products include:

Hope this helps you make an informed decision!


Maria Kaczmarek                                                                                          Lake Steward                                

Season’s greetings and best wishes…

As the year 2020 draws to a much-anticipated close, and we reflect on all the hardships and despair this year has brought, we can only look to the coming year with a sense of optimism and hope.  Our community has banded together to try and bring some joy and happiness where possible and generously supported those in need in our society.

This has been a very challenging year for all, but it has only helped to demonstrate our strength and determination to see us through to a brighter day.

Heather and I would like to wish all our Steenburg Lake friends and families the very best the holidays have to offer, and best wishes for a safe and joy-fill new year.  Love and peace to all!


Pat and Heather Stallaert

SLCA Response to Bill 229: Schedule 6

Hi Everyone,

Some of you may have heard the buzz about Schedule 6 of Bill 229 which amends the Conservation Authorities Act and Planning Act included within the Ontario government’s Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act. Many concerned residents, municipalities, conservation authorities, Mayors and environmental not-for-profit organizations have expressed their concerns to their local MPP’s or applicable government body.

As an association located within the Crowe Valley Watershed, we often work with, consult and rely on the Crowe Valley Conservation Authority (CVCA). The SLCA is alarmed at the loss of purpose, goals and power that Schedule 6 will gut from not only the CVCA, but from all of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities. As a result we have sent the attached letter addressing our concerns to the following recipients:

  • Premier of Ontario,
  • Ministers of: Environment, Conservation and Parks, Natural Resources & Forestry, Municipal Affairs of Housing, and,
  • Honourable Daryl Kramp (MPP for Hastings-Lennox and Addington).
  • Copied on the letter are Nate Smelle from the Bancroft Times and Tim Pidduck of the CVCA.

We encourage you to speak up individually and write to Honourable Daryl Kramp ( and your local MPP’s expressing your concerns with Schedule 6. For more information on Schedule 6 please visit the following links as well as complete your own informed research:

Bill 229, Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020



Conservation Ontario Recommends Removing Schedule 6 from Bill 229


Review of Long-Term Management Direction Bancroft-Minden Forest 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan

Hi all! The Bancroft-Minden Forest 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan is currently going under review and the public is invited to comment. A summary of the proposed long-term management direction for the forest can be found at under Bancroft-Minden Forest.

The summary map can be found by clicking here.
The 2018-2019 Annual Report can be found by clicking here.
Phase 2 of the Final Plan (2011-2021) can be found by clicking here.
The Annual Work Schedule (2020-2021) can be found by clicking here.

Comments are due October 15 and can be submitted to Corinne Arthur (Regional Planning Forester) at the MNRF at:

tel: 705-313-3274

I have reviewed the management plan and Steenburg Lake does not look to be affected, but I encourage you all to review the plans for yourself.