Locating and Using the Steenburg Lake AED's
Steenburg Lake Details
1. Call 911. Tell them exactly where you are located (using your 911 address number) and explain the emergency.
2. If you suspect a possible Sudden Cardiac Arrest, you can tell the operator that an AED is located on the lake and someone is being dispatched to get it.
3. Have the casualty lay down with the head elevated slightly if possible.
4. Stay with the casualty and monitor for consciousness, breathing and pulse. If there is no breathing and no pulse, perform CPR.
5. If possible, have someone meet emergency responders at your driveway.
**Disclaimer: The availability and use of these devices are provided by the SLCA on a best effort basis. In the event you need one of these devices, you should first call 911, then contact the location of the device to ensure its availability.
North Road Device
Difibtech E-100
Contact the Bruni’s at 1035A Steenburg Lake North Road (905) 441-3202.
South Road Device
HeartSine samaritan 360p
Contact the Hill’s at 456 Steenburg Lake South Road (905) 716-5532.