SLCA By-Laws
This organization shall be known as the Steenburg Lake Community Association and is organized for the following purposes, to wit:
- To protect the interests of Steenburg Lake property owners and to foster co-operation with township officials.
- For mutual assistance of its members and to better social relationships.
- Membership in the Association shall be available to all property owners and their immediate families, whose property borders on either side of the North Steenburg Lake Road commencing at the public beach, up to and including Maple Landing and the South Steenburg Lake Road after the first major “T-intersection”.
- Associate Membership – individuals and their families who rent cottages on Steenburg Lake and are interested in the aims and objectives of the association may apply for Associate Membership after 3 years of consecutive summer residence (two weeks per summer minimum) at Steenburg Lake. A letter of request shall be directed to the current Lead Director for Membership along with a cheque in the amount of the current annual association dues.
- Honorary Membership – by action of the Executive Committee, honorary membership may be awarded to member of the association who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, has rendered valuable assistance or worthy enterprise to the lake community, or who has been in residence for 50 consecutive years (two weeks per summer minimum. Certificates will be issued to these members).
- Any member of the family of a property owner shall be eligible for any office in the association, save that of President and Vice President. These offices shall be held by property owners. Property owners shall have the only voting rights but may confer proxy privileges on a member of their family or may express their wishes by mail to the Secretary when a vote is scheduled. One vote per property where properties are jointly owned, and one vote per membership where the same person owns more than one property.
- In all other respects the entire membership shall enjoy equal privileges.
- The officers of the association shall be President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chair. These officers of the association are also directors, but other directors are not officers. It is anticipated that the Vice-President will eventually assume the role of President.
- Any officer may be suspended for cause by two-thirds majority vote at any general meeting of the association.
- There shall be seven standing committees, each chaired by an elected Lead Director. Membership on those committees shall be composed of volunteers from Association members and Associate members. Committee size shall be determined by a Lead Director of that committee. Those committees are: Membership, Social, Municipal Affairs, Lake Stewardship (environment natural resources), Newsletter, Merchandising and Internet/Website.
- The officers shall be elected at a general meeting and shall hold office for a term consisting of three years. Elections shall be staggered with up to three new officers elected each year.
- Candidates may volunteer from the floor. Nominations from the floor must have consent of the individual prior to being nominated.
- No officer may serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office.
- Should an officer complete 3 consecutive terms (9 years) in the same office, and there are still no nominations or volunteers to fill the position, that officer may continue to fill the position on an Acting basis, until a new member is found to fill the position.
- A general meeting may be called by the Executive Committee at anytime but not less than once each fiscal year.
- Specific meeting for specific purposes may be held at any time and place at the call of the President or on written demand of at least ten percent of the membership.
- A quorum for the purpose of transacting business at a general meeting of the association shall consist of a majority of officers plus members (or their authorized representatives) of not less than 20 percent of the total membership. Each property has one vote by a property owner or a written authorization for another family member to register that property’s vote.
- Motions shall be passed by a majority vote of all authorized members present or in written proxy at a general meeting.
- Accepted parliamentary procedure shall be followed at all general, executive or committee meetings of the association.
- Special committees shall be established by the Executive Committee with a chairperson for each such committee appointed. The committee chairperson may select the desired membership.
- Annual dues are to be set by the Executive Committee and shall be collected by mail or submitted online though the associations PayPal account, and be completed through the annual canvass. Payment of dues by the property owner shall constitute membership in the association and must be paid by the date of the annual meeting. Non-payment of dues automatically forfeits membership.
- The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies and shall publish an annual accounting of the fiscal position of the association in the fall newsletter.
- Cheques or cash covering disbursements of the association shall be signed by the Treasurer and at least one other officer with signatory rights on the account, and funds maintained in a trust account in a chartered bank.
- The Executive Committee may elect to invest funds held in reserve into guaranteed investment vehicles such as Guaranteed Investment Certificates, with any federally registered and regulated financial institution (i.e., those regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)
- An insurance policy will be maintained covering liability for all officers, committee members and association member participants in authorized association events.
Amendments to the by-laws were approved at general meeting on August 8, 1964; August 6, 1989; August 2, 1993; August 6, 1995; August 3, 1997 and August 5, 2007, August 2, 2015.