Invitation to 2024 AGM


Attention all SLCA Members

You are cordially invited to the Steenburg Lake Community Association – Annual General Meeting on Sunday, August 4th at the Tudor and Cashel Community Centre at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road.

A community social meet and greet starts at 9:30 am, and the meeting gets underway at 10 am. Treats and refreshments will be available, as well as Steenburg Lake merchandise.

Tickets to the Annual SLCA Pig and Corn Roast BBQ will also be available for purchase. Payment of your 2024 membership fees can also be made at the door.

We have important news to share on many topics affecting property ownership and community enjoyment around our lake, as well as some critical business to conduct. We will keep the meeting short so we can all get back to the lake to enjoy the weekend. A great door prize will be awarded at the end of the meeting. The agenda is as follows:


1. Call to order

2. Confirmation of quorum

3. Opening remarks

4. Review and acceptance of 2023 AGM Minutes


5. Motion to accept new ONCA compliant SLCA Bylaws

Motion: That the SLCA membership accept the new Bylaws as approved by the Board at its spring meeting of May 7th, 2024.


6. Nominations, elections or acclamations to the Board

        a. Secretary d. Internet/web

        b. Merchandise e. President

        c. Lake Steward f. Vice President

          Role descriptions are available at:

7. Motion to create new Board position of Past President

8. Board Reports

    a. President

    b. Membership

    c. Treasurer

    d. Municipal Affairs

    e. Lake Stewardship

    f. Merchandise

    g. Internet

    h. Newsletter

    i. Social

9. Old Business

    a. Mining exploration update

    b. Land’escapes update

10. New Business

11. Open Discussion – Questions and Answers

12. Door Prize Draw

13. Motion to Adjourn

      Note: Steenburg Lake merchandise will be available before and after the meeting. 

Please come out to meet with your friends and neighbours and support your association.

Looking for something to do this weekend…?

Why not check out the grand reopening of the McGeachie Conservation Area on Saturday June 22.  The trails were closed down following extensive damage from the derecho wind storm of 2022.

Celebrations will begin at 8:30 am and feature two mounted units of the Ontario Mounted Special Service Unit.  There will also be a foraging tour om 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Admission and participation is free but the donation of a non-perishable food item to help the North Hastings Community Cupboard.

More details about the event are available in the Bancroft This Week, June 14th edition or online at:

Works crews busy around the lake…

It’s a sure sign of spring when you see signs of road crews out and about.  Driving in yesterday, I noticed that Limerick Township had recently done a great job of sweeping off all the winter sand along the North Road.

To those who may think that this is a practice better reserved for built-up cities, know that it’s an important measure to ensure safety and longer life out of our hard paved roads.

Nice job Greg Maxwell, Limerick Roads Supervisor and Fire Chief!  Please pass on our thanks to your diligent crew. 👍

Keeping with the theme of road work…  Nancy Carrol, Tudor and Cashel Township Clerk just advised me that there will be tree removal and clearing of debris taking place along Steenburg Lake South Road beginning next week and it may continue into the week of the 13th.

There will be heavy pieces of equipment working along the road. People using the road will need to use additional caution and expect delays. She said she will try to get a start and end time for daily activities to assist in scheduling.

And finally, just a reminder that Limerick will be holding their Annual Emergency Preparedness Day at the Limerick Community Centre on #620, east of Ormsby from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, May 4th (this weekend).

You may ask yourself, what do I need to know about emergency preparedness, but the simple answer is, “as much as you can!”

When a natural or man-induced disaster hits like the big wind  storm of 2023, or a wildfire that grows more and more likely year after year, it’s important to know what to do and how to mitigate the impact.  Besides, it sounds like it will be a blast!

Please let Cindy Fuerth – Limerick Fire Prevention & By-law Enforcement Officer know if you are coming so they can plan quantities accordingly.

Stay safe and enjoy the great early spring.

Community Preparedness Day

Great news for all…  Limerick Township is holding another Community Preparedness Day event at the Limerick Community Centre on May 4th, from 11 am to 1 pm.  This event was a great success last year and is open to both Limerick and Tudor & Cashel residents.  

Lots of interesting displays, valuable information and fun activities for all ages.  Learn how to protect your property from wildfires and other events.  Meet local Search and Rescue team members as well as MNRF Crews who work to keep us safe year after year.


Just quick reminder to residents and property owners in Tudor & Cashel

Hi folks,

Just a friendly reminder to please complete your citizen survey with the Township of Tudor and Cashel before the 4 pm deadline on March 8th.  You can fill it in online or in person at the Township office at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road.

Completing the survey is quick and easy and will provide our elected Council members important information as they work to update the Townships strategic plan.  It will advise them what is important to you, how they are doing to meet your needs, what to expect for the years ahead and what kind of a township you want to live in and enjoy.

As a further incentive, there will be four prizes chosen randomly from the respondents for $75 gift certificates to the Rustic Roadhouse Restaurant, as a thank you for your time and interest.

Please hurry, don’t leave it to the last minute.  Have your tax roll number handy (which was just mailed out with your interim tax notice) to request a secure key to complete the survey.

Here’s the link:

Show all of Tudor & Cashel that the Steenburg Lake Community cares and is engaged.


Great News for Residents and Property Owners of Tudor and Cashel

Although it’s been an unusually mild winter, the days continue to march on.  I hope that many of you have had a chance to venture up to the lake this winter, and in particular, this past Family Day long weekend.  The weather was splendid!

I’m happy to report that the Township of Tudor and Cashel are working to update their Strategic Plan.  I have volunteered to participate in the ad hoc advisory committee as a community representative.  Our first committee meeting was reported on in the Bancroft This Week (newspaper and online at: ).

The interim tax bills have just gone out and the enclosed newsletter mentions that the Township is seeking all residents’ and property owners’ input by completing a short survey either online or in person at the Township office at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road.

Responses are limited to one per property/household.  To obtain an access key to the survey, you will need to provide your name, email address, 911 number, and tax roll number (which is at the top of your interim tax bill).  The link to the survey is here:

In appreciation for completing the survey, the Township will be raffling off four gift certificates of $75 each to the Rustic Roadhouse Restaurant.

After years of dealing with a Council that did not listen to or acknowledge our community, I strongly urge each of you to take part in this important survey, and let the Township know what is important to you, and how they are doing.  Let them know the kind of township you want to live in and enjoy.  Don’t delay, do it today!

The Old Gold Town Nearby…

Came across this interesting and rather detailed article about a short-live hold rush that took place in Eldorado, just north of Madoc.  I knew they had found gold there back in the 1800s even before confederation.   There is a historical plaque to mark to area, but few buildings remain of a once briefly-booming mining town, much less of the mines themselves.

If you were to search for them, there are plenty of scars left of the exploration and excavation that characterized the mad rush to riches.  It’s a sad scenario that has been so often repeated across the region.  Sadder still are the hundreds of abandoned mines that were once  fully developed and then abandoned nearly as quickly as they were created.  Many of these still pose dangers to the environment and to water sources a great distance away.  And as you may know,  billions of our tax dollars are eventually spent trying to clean up the sites long left behind because our regulations and safeguards were too lax. 

Our current government in Ontario has sought to further reduce what little protections we have from the rampant abuses of mineral exploration and mining in the name of the new gold rush for critical metals needed for the much-hyped EV revolution.

The article also contains a link to a great TVO documentary on another gold ruch that did develop snd operate for many years in Ontario’s north and lead to the development of the City of Timmins.  That story is rife with all the social injustices that were common in those days when greed and desperation came face to face.

Hope you find this enjoyable and enlightening:

Know that your SLCA continues to keep a watchful eye on the threat that mining in the area could pose to our watershed and the natural beauty that surrounds it.  Not much that can be done under the current political climate, but that’s no reason not to vigilant and patient!

Season’s Greetings

As 2023 draws to an end and with the new year firmly in our sights, may we reflect on all the good times we enjoyed at the lake this past year, and look forward to all the wonderful memories yet to be created next year. 

We are very blessed to have such a beautiful place to live or visit, and such a caring and welcoming community to share it with.  But this paradise needs constant protection and our community needs our collective involvement to maintain.  Let’s all agree to do our parts to protect our fragile lake ecosystem, and commit to fostering the kind of community that  Steenburg Lake has become known for.  Your Steenburg Lake Community Association  works very hard towards the above goals, so I urge you to get involved.

On behalf of your SLCA Board, we wish you all a very happy holiday season, and a healthy and prosperous 2024.  Heather and I look forward to seeing and hearing from you all in the new year.

All the best.

Fall 2023 Newsletter is out…

By now, you should have received your copy of the fall 2023 Shoreline News, or if you opted to receive it digitally, a link to the newsletter at:

Please note that a correction has been made on page 10.  The original Carpenter cottage, number 14 on the featured map, was incorrectly reported as belonging to Art Robinson and then Warren Robertson, but in fact, that cottage is currently owned by Robin Robertson, Art’s granddaughter.  Apologies for that error.

Also, if you haven’t yet reviewed the draft updated SLCA Bylaws mentioned on page 14 of the SLCA Bylaw-Draft-Final-R2(2023-10-30).  I would strongly encourage you to have a look, and please send any comments or questions you may have on the new proposed by-laws to: .  Thank you.

Construction and South Road Closure

Please note, the following message was received from the Deputy Clerk of the Township of Tudor and Cashel regarding the long anticipate construction work to extended the culvert and widen the South Road.

Good afternoon Pat,

Would you be able to get a message out to residents that Danford Construction plan to complete the culvert extension work during the first week of December…. No specific date as yet as they are going to monitor the weather closer to then and we will provide a further update at that time, wanted to give everyone a heads up for now though.  They expect to be two days completing the work.

I will be putting this on our website and facebook page but suspect you have a more direct page for residents.

Many thanks,

Sheryl Switzer

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

Tudor and Cashel Township


Office Hours

Mon. – Wed. 9am – 4pm

Thurs. by appointment