An open letter to Tudor and Cashel Council

As I have been encouraging all of you with property in the Township of Tudor and Cashel, Heather and I responded to the survey they enclosed with our interim tax bill.  I sent a copy of my response to the editor of the Bancroft This Week, and they published it both in print and online.  That text is available here:

Warning, it’s a bit of a read…  They were actually supposed to print a shorter, revised portion of that letter with some corrections following some fact-checking I did.

  1.  Trent Hills is actually in Northumberland, not Hastings County, but here again, it is a much larger, more populated municipality that resulted from the merger of multiple townships, and includes the towns of Campbellford and Hastings.
  2. Tyendinaga does not use wards, or at least it hasn’t since some time in the 1800s.
  3. Hastings Highlands did away with their wards in 2017 but not by referendum as I was originally lead to believe, but by an order in council following much research and public consultation which included hiring expert consultants to review all their options.  The decision was appealed by a few residents to the OMB, but was upheld because they had done their homework, and presented a defensible argument for the elimination of wards in that municipality.  

If you had not submitted your survey by the March 29th deadline, it is not too late to write to this council and let them know your concerns, especially before their April meeting on the 6th.

Happy Easter everyone.  Stay safe and remain patient.  Better days are on their way… 

Posted in SLCA News.

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