Looking back while looking forward…

Greetings to all friends and neighbours of our Steenburg Lake community on this, the eve of the holiday season.

Although the current COVID-19 pandemic and the latest Omicron variant are giving us all a lot to be concerned about both locally and worldwide, it is worth noting that we have learned a great deal about what it takes to stay safe and protect each other.

This pandemic has been a test of almost every aspect of our society and civilization.  It has tested our government leaders, our health care system, our elder-care system, our scientific community, our education system, our supply chains and manufacturing capabilities, our retail sector, and our hospitality, tourism, and entertainment industries to name just a few of the most obvious cases.

Some have fared much better than others and the virus has exposed many failures and shortcomings that already existed and have yet to be addressed.

It has also tested all of us as individuals and as families and communities.  Again some have fared better than others, but for the most part, we have proven that we are up for the challenge.  Let’s not let our guard down now!

I am confident that we will eventually emerge from this as a better and stronger society, and that we will have learned the important lessons of compassion, patience, generosity, tolerance, and understanding that are being taught to us each day.  Let’s be attentive!

On behalf of all of your SLCA volunteers, I wish you and your loved ones a safe and joyful Christmas or however you choose to mark this time of year, and the very best for the New Year ahead.  Looking forward to seeing you all around the lake we hold so dearly.


Pat Stallaert – SLCA President

Posted in SLCA News.

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